Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy President's Day

I'm not supposed to be working today, since it's President's Day. There's no school in session, but I'm here. My play opens in two weeks, and I'm taking advantage of the "day off" to paint sets and practice music and choreography. WOO HOO!

No really.

For realz.

I have a few observations:

1. Wal-Mart in the morning is a very tranquil, peaceful place to be. At 8:00 in the morning there are actually more employees than shoppers, and I've decided it's making my top 10 list of happy places to be. I had to buy paint this morning, and everyone - EVERYONE - was happy to help and willing to have a conversation. I had a perfectly lovely conversation with a complete stranger about decorating one's home.

2. Wal-Mart black paint isn't actually black. It's like a dark grey-blue. If you want true black, have them add 12 oz of black. Nothing else. So, if you're looking for a true black - don't pick up any of the samples.

3. School is a much nicer place without students.

In other news, we're entering birthday season at my home. Between my family and Chuck's family (and our family), we have 13 birthdays between Feb. 12 and March 13. That's one every other day. HOLY CATS no wonder I'm broke. AND, throw in the musical? Oy to the vey.

We celebrated my baby brother's birthday on Saturday - he turned 13. We bought him underwear, and the look on his face was a beautiful thing. Well, that's not all he got - we also got him a video game... but secretly, I believe he was kinda happy to get boxers. His first pair on non-tighty whities. Yesterday, Isabel had a birthday party for a school mate.

Next Saturday we have two more parties. *sigh*

Until tomorrow (?)

Oh - a postscript. We came home late on Saturday from being gone all day. First words out of Chuck's mouth was this (imagine him with a wrinkled-up nose): "What is that smell?"

I replied: "It's the flowers, honey. The flowers."

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