Friday, February 13, 2009

So it's been a year

And I pretty much forgot that I had done this.

Wowzers. I guess my brain IS swiss cheese after all.

Thank you to the two strangers who commented on my first blog. That was fun.

Ok, so. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Lovely. I know that all around the world, people are celebrating that which is beautiful and lovely, and pink and red. I'm lucky - I'm married, so I will always have a date for VD (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). But I really hated it when I was single - who wants to be reminded of all the romance in the world when you are sitting by yourself in your dorm room eating pizza and watching When Harry Met Sally for the 100th time? Of course, now with two kids, VD has pretty much come around full circle, and we'll probably be spending VD eating pizza watching cable. When Harry Met Sally might even be on...

Thank you to my husband who gave me my pretty flowers. Oh, shoot. He's not going to read this anways - the damn things smell like a funeral parlor. I had to move them away from my desk because they gave me a headache (shhhhhhhhh). But they are pretty to look at.

And the gesture was pretty darn... romantic.

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