Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The cake lady DOES make red velvet!!!

Did you know that red velvet cake is actually chocolate-flavored? I will test this out on Saturday, to be sure... but according to Cake Lady Shiela, that's what it is.

I have been avoiding dealing with just realized all I have to get done before Saturday. A list:

1. Actually buy my husband's birthday present (his birthday is today, naturally). He knows what he's getting, because I remembered he wanted a table for his saw. I couldn't remember what kind of saw (miter) or what thingamajiggies he wanted with it. So, he knows what he's geting... we just have to get to Menard's to purchase it.

2. Take him out for ice cream tonight. Clearly, that is the toughest thing on the list.

3. Tomorrow is snack day for Iz. I need to figure that out.

4. Clean the entire house top to bottom, especially since my very good friend and her daughter have cat allergies. So cleaning also includes washing the furniture with the Spot Bot.

5. Cook the following: Pulled turkey, a ginormous chocolate chip cookie for my husband's "cake", grape salad (I guess that's not really cooking....), potato salad, and then throwing the rest of the stuff together in a presentable form: cheese/sausage platter (doh... still need to buy the cheese), snacks.... I'm probably forgetting a crap load.

6. Get my sister her gift card. I'll just do that when I'm buying my son a flashlight (last minute birthday gift for him)

7. Take kids to swimming lessons Saturday morning.


Oh well.

I live for pressure... right? RIGHT?

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