Friday, March 13, 2009

A Dead Bird, A Cleaned Room, A Couple Dozen Red Cookies

Lot happened yesterday (well, a lot in MY world, at least).

We came home yesterday to find feathers in the back porch. I thought maybe Murray (our evil Maltese/Shih Tsu/Bischon Mix) had gotten into the pillow on the couch, but no... it looked fine. The cushion? No, that's cotton... and then I got a look at Murray. With feather sticking out of HIS mouth. Luckily one of the things he actually does well is "drop!" on command.

Out of his mouth fell a slightly crushed, but very dead goldfinch. Both of the kids started screaming bloody murder, and then Isabel burst into tears because that birdy was her "favorite." Charlie alternately then started scolding Murray, telling him he was "bad!" and trying to make Iz feel better "Dese things happen, Izzy!" After freaking out for about 30 seconds, I got a paper towel, picked it up, and gave it a burial in our outside garbage.

Yeah, that was fun. Afterwards, the kids played outside while I made cookie dough for the sugar cookies to be brought to daycare. You'll be surprised and shocked to learn they have red frosting, I'm sure.

I need to get started cleaning my house for the party tomorrow - so we cleaned the den. I think I keep a clean house, and then I move furniture and see all that gets collected under it. Ech. It had been awhile, so I actually wanted to rearrange, too. Chuck helped with the wires (I play dumb. I could do it... but why when he's so willing?) and moving the heavy stuff.

Finally, after putting the kids to bed and finishing the little stuff, I actually baked and frosted the cookies.

Here's the recipe:

1 cup butter, softened

1/2 cup brown sugar

3/4 cup white sugar

2 eggs

2 3/4 cups flour

2 teaspoons baking soda

1 teaspoon almond extract

Preheat oven to 375°F.

Cream butter add brown sugar; beat one minute. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.

Slowly add flour and baking soda, then almond extract.

Beat well for three minutes. Bake 10 minutes.

For frosting, I combine 2 cups of powdered sugar, 2 tsp vanilla extract, and 3 tbs water - food coloring as needed.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The cake lady DOES make red velvet!!!

Did you know that red velvet cake is actually chocolate-flavored? I will test this out on Saturday, to be sure... but according to Cake Lady Shiela, that's what it is.

I have been avoiding dealing with just realized all I have to get done before Saturday. A list:

1. Actually buy my husband's birthday present (his birthday is today, naturally). He knows what he's getting, because I remembered he wanted a table for his saw. I couldn't remember what kind of saw (miter) or what thingamajiggies he wanted with it. So, he knows what he's geting... we just have to get to Menard's to purchase it.

2. Take him out for ice cream tonight. Clearly, that is the toughest thing on the list.

3. Tomorrow is snack day for Iz. I need to figure that out.

4. Clean the entire house top to bottom, especially since my very good friend and her daughter have cat allergies. So cleaning also includes washing the furniture with the Spot Bot.

5. Cook the following: Pulled turkey, a ginormous chocolate chip cookie for my husband's "cake", grape salad (I guess that's not really cooking....), potato salad, and then throwing the rest of the stuff together in a presentable form: cheese/sausage platter (doh... still need to buy the cheese), snacks.... I'm probably forgetting a crap load.

6. Get my sister her gift card. I'll just do that when I'm buying my son a flashlight (last minute birthday gift for him)

7. Take kids to swimming lessons Saturday morning.


Oh well.

I live for pressure... right? RIGHT?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Friday!

Wow. A week has gone by since my play. It went super well, and had record-breaking attendance. Well... it broke records since I've been director but we know that's all that really counts in the end, right? Right??? :)

There hasn't been a whole lot to update on. It's been a pretty good week. I'm reading a Barbara Kingsolver book, Pigs In Heaven. So far I like it - but I pretty much like all of her books. If I think about it, I'll review it when I'm done. I tried reading the second Forrest Gump book (I never read the first one, but of course saw the movie) and WOAH. Different. Wowzers. I didn't picture Forrest Gump with a potty mouth, but there you have it.

So yeah. The hecticness (is that a word) is over, and now I'm on the calm swing. Chuck and Charlie's birthday is next week. Charlie is getting a Spiderman cake. When I asked him what flavor of cake he wanted, he responded "red." Hmmmm..... red-flavored cake? I'll see if the cake lady has red velvet. It'll probably tickle him to no end.

Still lots of stuff to catch up on, grading-wise. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I've been MIA - and I might be the rest of this week pretty much, too.

Yesterday was the kick off of hell week for me - aka the final week before the play opens. I direct plays, by the way - my high school is doing All Shook Up this coming weekend.

So get this. We're at Bridget's house on Saturday for birthday #1 (Emily, my beautiful God daughter). It was girls - only, and in Green Bay, so Chuck and Charlie busied themselves elsewhere. They come to pick us up... we go to leave, and the Blazer is dead. DEAD. D.E.A.D!!!!!!

We had to get it towed to the nearest dealership and get a rental car. And of course it was Saturday, so they couldn't look at it until yesterday. The fuel pump died which is *only* $1000 . Like we can afford that now. And when we asked about trade in... they'd only GIVE us $1000... and we owe $2000, so that's a no-go. So now we only have one vehicle, because we took back the rental because we also could not afford the $30 per day fee.

So anyways, finally, about 7th hour, I was about to start typing, complaining about all this, and the power went out in the city. THE POWER WENT OUT. IN THE CITY. And I thought I was screwed because I WAS HAVING REHEARSAL LAST NIGHT WHETHER IT KILLED ME... even if I had to have it in the commons until it got dark out and we couldn't see what we were doing. But luckily it came on a little after 3... BUT STILL. And I was here, at school, until after 9:30 last night.

Oh - so we're down to one car... so Chuck brought me to work this morning. And guess who forgot her coffee in the car.A nd I really, really, really need my coffee this morning, so I'm a little cranky.

So that's why I was MIA yesterday.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I missed yesterday

Because I do not have a computer. I had a computer, but I killed in - in pace requiescat - this summer. Luckily, it did not breathe its last until the week after my grad class. Chuck was thrilled, of course - he doesn't get that 3 solid months of spending nearly every waking hour with two people under 3 feet is... heart-warming and fun on the best of days, but mind-numbing and exhausting on all the rest.

I love my children. I love them so much, sometimes it seems impossible - anyone with children gets what I mean. BUT... I have realized that I need some sort of adult interaction / intellectual stimulation is vital lest I lose it completely. And that's not just to the benefit of me, but to my entire family. June, I'm fine. By the end of August, I'm the lady with the crazy hair (and I couldn't care less), slobby clothes (what? They're comfy!), and a vocabulary consisting of one syllable words.

So, Chuck does not get this. But he also works year-round. He gets to talk to people about things other than "What do you want for lunch?" and "Do you have to go potty?" and "Stop daring your brother to eat bugs!"

I also love my husband, by the way... he's kind, generous, a great dad, and really very thoughtful. But I also think he feels hurt that he's not enough. Dude. I see you for 3-4 hours a night before bedtime. Talking about the kahn bahn system and lean manufacturing doesn't exactly thrill me. Your work gossip does help a little, but not actually knowing these people takes away a bit of the juice. I don't mean to complain about my husband. Like I said - he is a good man. A very good man.

Oh yeah - back to the point. I missed yesterday. Snow day. YAHOOO. :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Taking a scrub brush to my eyes.

Searching for costumes on the Internet is a very eye-opening experience. I needed to find a plus -sized cop costume for one of the characters in the musical... and I have come to realize, if it's a costume, there is an alternative one with the word "sexy" preceding it.

Sexy cop. Sexy angel. Sexy fairy. I'm betting, if I look hard enough, I would be able to also find a sexy My Little Pony costume. Actually... I shudder to think what that would look like.

Nothing too new today. Did have an interesting conversation with Charlie last night. NOTE: this was at 9:30, an hour and a half after I put him to bed. I went in to check on him:

Charlie: Momma - you have a big butt.
Me: ...WHAT did you say?
Charlie: I say Momma - you have a big butt.
Me: Charlie, that's not a nice thing to say. That hurts mommy's feelings. What do you say?
Charlie: I sowwy. But Momma, I like you big butt!
Me: Uh... thanks? Now get to sleep.

Just got the call - Iz is puking so I need to go home. I have no idea where Chuck is - I tried calling his cell AND his work phone - no answer. Grrrrrrrr. Poor baby, though, hope it's just a stomach bug.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy President's Day

I'm not supposed to be working today, since it's President's Day. There's no school in session, but I'm here. My play opens in two weeks, and I'm taking advantage of the "day off" to paint sets and practice music and choreography. WOO HOO!

No really.

For realz.

I have a few observations:

1. Wal-Mart in the morning is a very tranquil, peaceful place to be. At 8:00 in the morning there are actually more employees than shoppers, and I've decided it's making my top 10 list of happy places to be. I had to buy paint this morning, and everyone - EVERYONE - was happy to help and willing to have a conversation. I had a perfectly lovely conversation with a complete stranger about decorating one's home.

2. Wal-Mart black paint isn't actually black. It's like a dark grey-blue. If you want true black, have them add 12 oz of black. Nothing else. So, if you're looking for a true black - don't pick up any of the samples.

3. School is a much nicer place without students.

In other news, we're entering birthday season at my home. Between my family and Chuck's family (and our family), we have 13 birthdays between Feb. 12 and March 13. That's one every other day. HOLY CATS no wonder I'm broke. AND, throw in the musical? Oy to the vey.

We celebrated my baby brother's birthday on Saturday - he turned 13. We bought him underwear, and the look on his face was a beautiful thing. Well, that's not all he got - we also got him a video game... but secretly, I believe he was kinda happy to get boxers. His first pair on non-tighty whities. Yesterday, Isabel had a birthday party for a school mate.

Next Saturday we have two more parties. *sigh*

Until tomorrow (?)

Oh - a postscript. We came home late on Saturday from being gone all day. First words out of Chuck's mouth was this (imagine him with a wrinkled-up nose): "What is that smell?"

I replied: "It's the flowers, honey. The flowers."